The true nature of Treatment
About Me
I am an Energy Healer and Holistic Therapist.Ilove what i do and enjoy seeing my clients get well.
Toxic Feeling
Feel, take care of your beautiful soul,
feeling play a big role in the way
that our body reacts. A pain somewhere
in your body, is most often a symptom...
where the root cause is a toxic feeling.
Meraki Massage gently Works on physical
emotional and mental issues to soothe and
rebalance .Helping us to torelease fear and
pain we can then move forward with our
Massage /Reflexology
Massage and Reflexology are amazing at not
only relaxing us but a wonderful way to heal
our aches and pains.It is great for moving the
lymph in the body.
I am passionate about offering Reiki,Which is a
profound, very high frequency, multidimensional
system of healing.
Wine therapy treatment
Stimulation and nutrition the skin with natural
products providing relaxing feeling.
Chocolate Massage
Chocolate`s high caffeine content stimulates
your circulation, Antioxidants, firmer feel and
help your cells build collagen and elastin.
Wine therapy treatment
Stimulation and nutrition the skin with natural
products providing relaxing feeling.
Chocolate Massage
Chocolate`s high caffeine content stimulates
your circulation, Antioxidants, firmer feel and
help your cells build collagen and elastin.
People of any age can benefit from a therapeutic massage as long as it is offered by a professionally qualified therapist. 출장안마 전문성